Glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids
Glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids

I was totally impressed to find a box with hinges on display.

glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids

There were a lot of gold and other precious stones there on display as well. British General Charles Gordon, who lost his life in Omdurman in 1885 in a battle against Sudanese fighters, drew this map showing Khartoum and Omdurman. Every aspect of our trip, train, guided tours, theatre, food tours was taken care of (vouchers, train), so we could concentrate on having fun and not worry about arranging everything ourselves. The exhibit room had numerous items including his clothes furniture oils and perfumes (mummified of course). Starting in mesmerising Khartoum, our Sudan tours explore the untamed beauty of the Nubian Desert as we travel through strange rock formations and forgotten. Almost everything there, including his mummified body was found intact and provided valuable information about the Pharaoh, his life, his death and much more. What made him famous was the findings at his tomb. Until then King Tutenkhamun (1341-1323BC) was virtually an unknown figure. King Tut's tomb was discoverd in the valley of the kings at Luxor around 1920s. The plateau hosts at least 11 pyramids, including the Step Pyramid, along with hundreds of tombs of ancient officials and other sites that range from the 1st Dynasty (2920-2770 B.C.) to the Coptic. By his time the Egyptians had already stopped building pyramids but were still building tombs for the dead Pharaohs for their journey to after life in a place called the Valley of the Kings at Luxor.

glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids

The trip from Aswan to Abu Simbel is along a. Abu Simbel is located close to the the border of Egypt and Sudan. The sound and light show at the Pyramids was not included as part of our trip and we had decided to do this on our own. King Tut was a young boy Pharaoh who died rather unexpectedly at a young age. In the evening around 5 PM we decided to make it to the Pyramids to watch the sound light show in the evening. But they aren’t in Egyptthese pyramids are far to the South, in. Immediately opposite, across the River Nile, lie the monuments, temples and tombs of the west bank Theban Necropolis, which includes the Valley of the Kings and. Deep in the Saharan desert, huge stone pyramids rise, monuments to ancient kings.

glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids

The best part of the Museum were the room of King Tut with all its exhibits and the room of Mummies. Sudanese pyramids are far less well known by either archaeologists or the public than their Egyptian counterparts. In a desert in eastern Sudan, along the banks of the Nile River, lies a collection of nearly 200 ancient pyramids.

Glimpses sudans forgotten pyramids